An Advice From A Home Security Expert

Today, we’re talking about old-fashioned, burglar alarms or perimeter security alarms. Are they a good way to secure your home? Not so great, let’s find out the burglar alarm system. You got your keypad you’re, arming and disarming when you’re, leaving or you’re arming a different way.

When you’re sleeping you got your window and door contacts, you got your glass broken. You got a loud siren if somebody breaks in. Is that a good way to secure your home? My personal belief? No, it is not so great anyway.

Why is that? Well, as a security guy and a guy, that’s been catching crooks for 20 years. In that time, I’ve had the chance to talk to these criminals and interact with them, and sometimes they’re, not bad people.

Sometimes they’ll chat with you and give you information, and I ask questions, and they will all tell you that they do not worry about burglar alarms, anymore back in the day they were a little preventative.

Do you know if a burglar alarm saw the sign in your yard? They have a security system or knew you had one somehow they’d go to the next house nowadays, not so much normally, they think you just bought the sign in your yard and put it there and don’t even actually have a system.

But even if you do have one they know they can be in and out with your stuff before the police even leave the parking lot. So why is that a problem? It’s a problem because that’s a reactive way to secure your home when you want to be proactive.

People ask me all the time. Why don’t you sell more security systems? Why don’t you have a monitoring service every month or somebody that can call and monitor your home and call the police for you? That’s because i don’t believe in them.

I just don’t believe in those systems. I think they’re outdated. I think they’re on their way out. Why do I think that I think cameras are eventually going to replace all those features plus having the addition of the actual video plus having features like two-way audio, different alerts, so why that’s different is you’re getting alerted before somebody actually comes in your house? My biggest problem with a security system or a burglar alarm is the person’s already in there they’re already in your house, it’s time to throw down it’s time to call the police time to get the dog time to street justice.

I don’t recommend street justice, but it’s time to take action because they’re in your house, I don’t like that. I’d rather be proactive, so the camera system. That’s why I concentrate on camera systems.

Can you have these alerts? You can you’ve got facial recognition. They’ll tell you when somebody’s in your yard, you’ve got an alert when somebody’s at your door with video doorbells you’ve got all these different things that can tell you that something’s happening before the person gets to your house.

So with two-way audio. You can yell at him and tell him you’ve got the shotgun you’ve got the dog. You’ve called the police. Even if you don’t, you can scare him into thinking so and scare them away. A burglar alarm doesn’t do that.

They’re in your house, you’ve got to figure out what to do but they’re in there. So the only benefit to it really is that if you’re home sleeping yeah, it’s going to make a loud siren and wake you up, but that’s really the only probe.

In my eyes, you’ve got too many other cons, so number one. It’s reactive. Instead of proactive number two, it costs you a monthly fee and that’s a whole nother situation, you’re, paying somebody to call you before they call the police.

So why not just call the police yourself get yourself a do-it-yourself alarm system get yourself a camera system, get yourself something where you can call the police yourself you’re going to get notified yourself.

Call the police yourself skip the middlemen, you’re, calling them to call you before they call the police if it’s the type of service that calls the police. Without talking to you. First, then you’re opening yourself up to false alarm fees, depending on where you live.

If you get a false alarm on your alarm system, the police have to come and nothing happens. You can get charged a false alarm fee. This especially happens all the time in businesses, but it can happen in your home too, so you’re paying a monthly fee when you can just do it yourself, and you can also prevent these false alarms.

So to me, the burglar system is just outdated. I think it’ll go away. I really think the only reason they still exist, is because a lot of the companies that sell them just want your monthly dollar because of those monitoring services.

You know, there are just some people in a call center. They don’t even really. You know care they’re, just they’re just doing their job. So that’s great. Everybody needs a job, but you know you’re just paying somebody to do something.

You can just do it yourself nowadays, there are too many other features and cameras and other different ways to secure your home, but definitely camera systems to be proactive instead of reactive and that’s the key.

So the answer, to the question is: why don’t I sell security systems? I just told you why I’d much rather be proactive than reactive. That’s just the way. I am that’s that should be the key to security. Stop it before it happens.

You know you hear all these stories about home invasions and how scary I mean. We’ve come behind it all the time and these people telling their stories. It’s just horrific. I hate it, but I also love giving them peace of mind once these things have happened to them and again you’re going to give people much more peace of mind when it’s proactive versus reactive.

How to Burglar Proof Your Windows

Quick Tips to Burglar Proof Your Windows

Doors might be the top entry point for burglars, but windows are a close second. First-floor windows are particularly vulnerable. It is why you be sure to implement every possible measure to reduce the risk of getting burglarised. Imagine losing valuables because you didn’t do everything you could to keep undesirables out. Regardless of the security of your neighbourhood or the alarm systems in place, always start with the basics. How well you burglar-proof your windows shows the commitment you have towards your security. Knowing where to begin can simplify things.

Always Close Windows

It sounds like an obvious solution to keeping your home safe, but you would be surprised by how many people overlook it. Over 30% of burglars occur through unlocked doors and windows. Some homeowners are careful about locking the doors but can easily forget about their windows. During the hot season, when your windows are open half the time, you need to be doubly cautious. Make certain that the locking mechanisms on windows function as required. Establish a routine of checking every window in the house before leaving and going to bed. After a while, it becomes second nature.

Insist on the Best Quality Locks

The lock on your window determines how much a thief or burglar would have to do to gain access. A latch, for example, opens easily when jimmied with a thin, flat object. The same way you might have high-grade locks or deadbolts on your doors, give windows the same treatment. Evaluate the available locking systems and select one that suits the installation whether it’s a sliding, hung or casement window. As you got locks on windows, consider the building’s occupants. If you have an elderly person in the house who may have to operate the lock, don’t make it hard.

Install Security Cameras

Include surveillance cameras in your security measures to provide layered protection. They are particularly useful if you are always away and need extra security. Depending on the size of the property, the number of windows and the possible risks, you may need a higher level of protection. Security cameras with a view of the windows can help prevent burglaries. The positioning of cameras matters. You can have some openly visible to serve as a deterrent. The others can go on the most crucial parts of the property. Remember to check out blind spots to get the best coverage.

Reinforce the Windows

You might close your windows every day with excellent locks and still be at risk of getting burglarised. If the glass on your windows is not strong, then a burglar can quickly break it, especially when no one is home. Use glass that improves security in your home. Invest in impact-resistant windows that require a significant amount of force to break. Window film, tempered and laminated glass are some of the alternatives to consider.

Use Window Bars

Fitting safety bars is one of the most effective approaches to window security. Metal bars not only act as a deterrent, but they also make it difficult to break in. Even if a thief gets through the glass, they would have to cut the bars as well. Some homeowners avoid bars and grills on the notion that they are unsightly. However, you can find safety bars in an array of designs and colours that complement the decor. If you decide to install bars, check the building codes. Strict rules apply when it comes to securing windows with bars. Get grills and bars that are easy to remove during an emergency.

With the correct protection measures, windows can be huge vulnerabilities in your security system. You must ensure that each window in your home is burglar-proof. Whether it’s adding bars or motion sensor, find a solution that works for you at

Importance of CCTV Cameras for Business

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems are an innovative way to keep a watchful eye over your assets without have to spend more on security personnel salaries. The system combines multiple video camera feeds into a single or multiple monitors that one person can monitor from a central location. The system can also record the captured footage for future reference. Many businesses and homeowners are adopting this efficient but economical security alternative. Here are the reasons why you need to install CCTV cameras on your business premises too.

They Will Deter Crime

Most petty criminals and buglers will shy away from properties with CCTV cameras. No one wants to risk being caught on camera. This fear in itself is enough to reduce theft and vandalism in or around your business premises.

Less Mischief From Your Employees

Other than just making potential criminals uncomfortable, security cameras are a great way to motivate and keep all your employees in check. For instance, they will slack less often if they know the manager can audit their performance on video. They will also be more responsible with company assets and won’t engage in otherwise shady deals that could lead to business losses or unwanted lawsuits.

Collecting Visual Evidence

If a crime happens in your business premises, the CCTV footage captured by your surveillance system is a great way to find out the perpetrators. It can also be used to make convictions and push for compensation or justice where possible.

The system will also come in handy when gathering operational evidence even if a crime didn’t happen. For instance, you can use the system to confirm if an employee was at work at a given time or if a contentious meeting in question actually happened.

Give Your Employees Peace of Mind

You video footage can also be used to validate deliveries, maintenance runs and other records. This means that your staff will be more comfortable running business as they know that management can verify their actions if the client files a complaint or anything else goes wrong.

The CCTV footage can be used to assess the employee’s conduct and decide whether he or she conducted themselves professionally when handling the situation. Consequently, your staff will be more confident and productive especially when they are positive they are doing the right thing.

You Will Thin Out Your Staff and Cut Costs

The biggest ROI will be in reduce staff. You won’t need as many people to secure your premises as a controller in the CCTV room and one or two guards can man your entire business premises.

Moreover, if you implement your CCTV system intelligently, you can use it to replace employees in redundant sections of your business production line. For instance, instead of hiring front office staff, you can use a CCTV system to notify employees when an expected client is in the reception.

The less the people on your payroll the more the savings you make hence improving your profits margins.

Reduce Workplace Accidents

If your business’ production line has some high risk or accident prone points, you can use a CCTV system to monitor these spots from a safe location. You will not put employees in the line of danger hence cutting down accidents. Moreover, the closer surveillance will give your control room the time to shut down or employ safety routines without waiting for a call from the production line.

Even though a CCTV system will cost you a reasonable amount to install, the returns will outweigh the initial cost in the end. Just ensure that you get your system from a certified installer using high quality components to increase its uptime and lifespan.

Simple Ways to Secure Your Home

Your home will be the biggest purchase most people ever make in their lifetime so making it a secure place to live should be one of your top priorities. This however is not the case in most circumstances. Most people when they buy a new home are more interested in decorating than looking at security.

However if you put some effort into it, securing your property does not have to be expensive and will give you piece of mind going forward. Using a trusted locksmith to secure your home when you move in is key. This prevents thefts from happening and will give you peace of mind.